Friday, April 12, 2013

Grocery Stores and Daddy time...

From a young age, I've always enjoyed going to the grocery store with my Dad.  I think my Mom liked to send me because she needed a break from my whiny self who loved to tease my older sisters. But, I didn't see it like that then. I merely saw it as an opportunity to spend time with my Dad, ask obvious questions, and learn from his profound explanations. When you're in a large family of ten kids, sometimes it takes trips to the grocery store to get those special times.

As I got older, I eventually stopped going to the store with my Dad. Probably because we moved into a small town and he knew everyone and their neighbor. What started as quality time turned into meeting all of his "friends."

Last week was one of those hard weeks for me, surprise surprise. I don't really know why, except for  that I just didn't feel like my typical, quirky self. My Dad was on his way out the door, making his regular pre-dinner grocery run and asked me if I would tag along. I suddenly felt like I was five years old again! At the store, we chatted about absolutely nothing while looking for the barbecue sauce and sliced pickles. And somehow, between the walk down the aisles, I started feeling like myself again and I felt so happy  to be there gettin' some green onion with my Daddy. I love how well he knows me and can always break through the walls I put up. Thanks for taking me to the grocery store, Dad! Thanks for always treating me like I'm special. I love you.


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