Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bundle of Joy

My nephew, Gabriel Alexander is my little bundle of joy. Even when I am in the in the worst mood, one look into his innocent little eyes, I am overwhelmed by happiness. Though I have grown up with babies, little brothers, a little sister, my love for my nephew is on a whole other scale. It is a love that I have never felt before. I could look at him all day distinguishing his features between Taylor's and Drew's while at the same time realizing he is an even mix of the two of them. He looks like one of the 'Morrow' babies but also looks just like his Daddy, Drew. After he eats, I just like to watch him and wait for him to smile at me :). So far, my favorite memory with my nephew, Gabriel was when i got to give him a bath. It was one of the greatest feelings that I have felt in a long time, the joy and excitement of a baby that you just love so much and the anticipation of making more and more memories with and becoming so close, not just to the child, but to the family as a whole makes me feel so happy. Watching my sister, Taylor-Lynn be the mom that she is inspires me, it makes me want to be a mom just like her. She is patient, gentle, and so loving. She even allows Alexander to hold him (if you don't know him...just say wow and believe us, it is pretty risky). I am so excited for the future with Gabriel. We are going to have some good times. I'm just warning you but awkward moments like me so...they follow me. Just a heads up, but we'll have fun little nephew. Love you so so so much :))

Auntie Whit :)


  1. Aw, this is cute, Whit! I LOVE Gabriel so much and you are right, he is SOO CUTE! :)

  2. Haha... awkward moments follow you! It's so true. And I'm sure Gabey won't mind.

  3. Haha, you are not awkward, Whit! Obviously...you LIKE being awkward! :)

  4. haha, no, I don't LIKE it haha, I have just had to learn to embrace it. haha.
