Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Whit's End

Hey Followers!

Yes, I decided to get a blog. I am not the most eloquent writer, as a matter of fact writing is not my strong point BUT I typically have a story to tell so it should still be fun :). The inspiration for my blog name was actually from the name of a restaurant in the 'Focus on the Family' headquarters in Colorado Springs. All of my sisters thought that it was fitting for me and suggested that I use it as my blog name. So...I did. As I expose you to my life, my love for my savior, Jesus, my heck of a family, and of course...many, many awkward moments, I hope you enjoy reading things from my side (my end) :). Caution: No Judging Here. Trust me, you might be tempted at times. Thanks, followers!



  1. Whitney, I am so excited you have started blogging. Love you :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nope... no judging at all! ;)

    And "Whit's End" is actually the name of a place in the "Adventures in Odyssey" tapes/videos. They just used it as the name of the soda shop.

  4. Haha, Tay! You know almost everything about the "Adventures in Odyessy" show! :) I love you!

  5. Whitney :) I love your blog!!! So beautiful
