Friday, July 19, 2013


Yesterday was a great day, I know it probably won't be one of those days that I will remember, so I felt I needed to blog it :). 

Yesterday morning I prayed that I would have the boldness to be a witness for Christ at work. And everything that I prayed for actually took place. I did ask her why she stopped going to church, and I did ask if she shares common beliefs with her fiancé and if they will raise their family in church. It wasn't anything like a "come to Jesus moment," but it got her thinking. I did ask another how I can help her "dig deeper."She was excited about that term and agreed to do an online Bible Study with me. I did get to talk about purity with her and told her that it's ok that her dad didn't give her that purity ring at thirteen. I told her that she can marry a man that will be that kind of father to her future daughter. 

Yesterday I watched my two best friends get their hair done. I was reminded of how beautiful they are inside and out... but especially out! Seriously, these girls are unbelievably gorgeous!! It made me think about how amazingly blessed I am to have young woman of God in my life whose hearts are burning for Him in the way that mine does. I cherish these Katelyn and Sammie so much. 

Yesterday I had a KidsQuest meeting and was reminded of the privilege and great opportunity that I have to speak into the hearts of children. I was also reminded that it really is one of my biggest fulfillments and passions. 

Yesterday, I sat with my mom on the couch and we stalked a boy! Yes, it's true. If you know anything about my momma, she doesn't typically do these sorts of things... like any mother of ten kids would! She has never been too inquisitive about the boys we mention, but yesterday she was all it! It was one of those special times when my Mom felt like one of my girlfriends and I was reminded that she really is one of my best friends. 

Yesterday I talked to Jessica for three hours. Yep, we didn't even get to our Bible Study that we were planning on doing together. It's amazing what two great listeners and unashamed talkers can accomplish! 

Yesterday I spent quality time with my brothers. It was the first time in a long time that I went to their room, sat on their floor, and asked them about their lives. Landon had just arrived back from his internship with the Potomac Youth Network. Man, he's changing fast. When I was talking to him, he didn't seem like my eighteen-year-old brother who has not yet been to Bible School yet.  Instead, he was speaking into my life, almost like a mentor. He also told me that three pastors want to hire him... one of them lives in Seattle and I said a big, "no." Suffice it to say, I have never been so proud of this guy. 


What did you all do yesterday? What did you think about yesterday? 

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