Friday, August 16, 2013

#2 {the blessing of coffee}

Good morning, world of bloggers!

Well. It's not really the morning, but I love the tone of excitement when saying good morning. I also love the promise of new mercies and fresh joy in the morning. And I love drinking coffee in the morning... and in the afternoon... ok, and maybe a little in the evening too. I like to say, "I can do all things through Christ and coffee which gives me strength." There's just something about that hot mug filled with dark, caramel-colored beverage that makes my day all the better; I am so thankful for my momma's never ending supply of coffee beans that are always ready to be blended and brewed.

This summer I've had a lot of coffee.

I come downstairs every morning to its sweet aroma and the sound of my parent's voices conversing. They drink a cup of coffee together every morning before the little Anderson awakes. On busy days when I am rushing out the door, I grab a travel mug and go on my way. But on the pleasant mornings when I have time to linger, I enjoy pairing my cup with my copy of Jesus Calling and the Bible. With every sip, I relish His goodness. I also love that when our weekly morning Bible study girls gather; we can make it through four pots of coffee, no problem.

Coffee enhances my afternoons when I get texts from my Momma that say,

These have to be my favorite kind of days. Or, when I meet with a sister and a friend, or two, at Starbucks and we talk for three hours about the our wonders about God, dreams, and... boys. My afternoons working at the Salon include drinking coffee too, while listening into seven different conversations between a client and their stylist all happening at once. I can't plan it any better.

Of course there is decaf coffee in the evening, it's a given at the Morrow home. Nearly every night, when it begins to wind down (that is, when the younger boys have been put to bed and the house is somewhat peaceful and a little more quiet... but never really quiet), my Mom calls out, "who's gonna make the coffee?" Usually Ben or McKenzie makes it... a full pot. We savor it until every last drop is gone along with the laughter and chatting that happens simultaneously. It's how I usually like to end my evenings.

I think I will always be a coffee-drinker. Hopefully when I am out of college and my teeth have completely turned yellow, I will drink it less. But hopefully not.

When I was at General Council last week, mission organizations provided complimentary coffee from foreign countries. One particular blend (my favorite) was from Eurasia. My mom actually bought beans to bring home. Today when I drank it, and remembered where it came from, I could hardly enjoy the taste. All I could think about were the people in Eurasia that needed hope, rescuing, and restoration. I thought of those who are waiting for me to do something and I was reminded of a vision that birthed a few months ago while I was in Bulgaria on a mission's trip.  It was there that I saw the crushed  casualties of brokenness because of physical and spiritual bondage and that's when God gave me an idea of how to help end it -  a vision to open a coffee shop. The proceeds would give back, fighting for freedom and deliverance for abused girls. Since then, I've become even more passionate about the issue of slavery in the 21st century. Since then, God has developed this vision in my heart by providing plans and people to carry it out. And since then, I have become more passionate about coffee.

I've realized that coffee is a pleasure when drinking in cold weather. It's at it's best when drank with  family and friends at home in the nest. But I'm thankful that this resource that can be used not only for enjoyment, but also for employment. It's not only good for the sweet and bitter taste but to be used for more, to help heal and restore the poor. Use me for Your will, oh Lord.


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