For years, every January and every summer, I make a reading list. In hopes that I will actually change myself. And every December and every fall, there is a stack of unfinished books sitting on my nightstand. Sometimes I only make it past the prologue... shhhhh!
But this fall, and even last January, was an accomplishment. Instead of reading to find pleasure, I read to find treasure, and I did. I read to be inspired and enthused, and I was. I found books that did not just tell a story, but rather, tell someone's story. I was captivated when I read The Story of Dietrich Bonhoefer, a pastor and theologian who lived during the tumultuous times of the Second World War. As a German, his sole purpose was to demonstrate utmost integrity, unwavering valiance, and unfaltering faith during injustice. Though this innocent man endured months in prison and was eventually exiled, he said, "gratitude changes the pangs of memory into a tranquil joy." Bonhoeffer led a life worthy of the calling he had received (Eph. 4:1) and he knew the cost of discipleship. His lasting legacy is still impacting many lives today.
Another fabulous read is Christine Cain's, Undaunted. If you have not read this book and you want to become more passionate about your God-given calling and are determined to do something now, then you need to read this book! It's life-changing, y'all. Additionally, I am currently indulging in The Jesus Hearted Woman written by Joanna Weaver. I can't keep my nose out of these pages that are filled with teachings about graceful confidence, Jesus-like humility, authenticity, stamina, and self-value. Let me inform you that book is valuable!
It makes me so filled with gratitude when I recognize these writings as gifts in my life and I am so thankful for the blessing of good reads. They shift your perspective, shape your persona, and solidify your purpose.
You definitely DO have a way with words, Whitney. I'm always inspired by your blogs. Keep writing :)