Thursday, September 15, 2011

How Are You?

How Are You?

Probably the most common question asked in the twenty first century. However, has it ever occurred to you that this "question" for some, is not a question at all? For some, this question is merely a phrase said in passing. For others, it is a socially polite way of greeting someone, or a way of making easy conversation. In our on-the-go lifestyle, we have become so accustomed to the typical,
"How are you?"
But do we intend to hear about the life of a friend? Now days, do we even expect a different reply then the all-to-familiar, "good"?
The other day, one of my close friends' asked me this ordinary question. But in fact, her question wasn't ordinary at all. Her question demonstrated curiosity, she was genuine. I felt like, in her eyes, my state of being mattered. I was able to ask her how she was and the feeling was so fulfilling. I was reminded that "How are you?" is a question and, it is meant to be answered.
Perhaps I feel so strongly about this because I am a Communications major and I thrive off of conversing with others and networking. But, I think that this blog is relevant to our society and lifestyle. I think that everyone should evaluate how they use the conventional question, "How are you?"
So, friends and followers, how are you?

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