Saturday, September 17, 2011

Brought back.

Hello all,

I am proud of myself, this is the third night in a row that I have been able to blog! Yay!

Anyway, tonight I got an inside look on how I envision my life in the years to come. Our family is hosting Ina, a romanian director of a Bible College where they are training students to do mission work in muslim countries. We connected with her when we went on our missions trip in May (I still need to blog about that trip -- what an amazing experience). I was so blessed by the act of picking her up from the airport, showing her our little town, and taking her to dinner. I am practicing on becoming a hospitable woman, wife, and mother. Though I was doing these these for God, it was almost as if it was for myself. I needed it. She brought me back to the two weeks that I spent in Eastern Europe and told me miraculous stories of what the students are doing for ministry. Some of them have traveled to Turkey to minister to the muslims, and other are in Afghanistan. It is amazing how God works in the hearts of the willing and ready. Ina and the other Romanian students/graduates LIVE on faith. Americans can be so frivolous and self-absorbed but these people are genuine, passionate, and so in love with Jesus. It was amazing for me to hear about what God is doing in their lives, through their abandonment to Him. These students have almost nothing, the Bible college is $2000 per year (includes room and board) and most of them can only afford 40% but yet they have enough faith to do the impossible. Ina, a single young woman who is striving to do all that she can for the Lord has inspired me. She has taught me about selflessness and showed me a servant's heart. She also reminded me that you do not have to be married or established to do amazing things for God. If God can use the weak to lead the strong, than he can use a young woman who desires to serve Him in powerful ways. Thank you, Jesus for bringing Ina here this weekend to speak into my heart and live as an example to me.

Speaking of serving and ministry, I would really like to start a new Junior Bible Quiz team at Crosswalk. JBQ was an awesome way of hiding God's word in my heart as a child and I would love to provide this opportunity for others. Plus, I am super competitive so I think our team would go far. I know it will be a lot of effort in the upcoming months to promote and figure strategies that work well for the team, but God has put this ministry on my heart and folks, I am up for the challenge.

That is what God has been doing in my life this weekend, I will let you know how it goes in the upcoming months. What has God been doing in your hearts recently?


  1. Girl. JBQ is so awesome. I still remember SO many Scriptures that I memorized then... over 10 years ago! Go for it! :)

    I'm so excited to see what God is going to do in your life and how He's going to use you in the future. I'm so blessed to call you my sister.

    PLEASE keep blogging. It makes me happy.

  2. Whit, I am so glad that God showed you so many truths this weekend. Isn't it amazing the way he works?

    WOW JBQ!!! What a great idea! I think it's wonderful that you are finding ways to get plugged in and be involved with others, but yet doing things that MATTER and starting ministries that can truly empower people for God. GO FOR IT!

    This week, God is reminding me to be encouraging and friendly. I saw a girl on campus the other day whom I hadn't talked to in awhile. I was tempted to just go my own, quiet way without saying anything, but for some reason, I called out to her. She stopped, waited for me, and we walked together toward our next classes. It turns out, it was her BIRTHDAY. As we kept talking, I also found out that she broke up with her boyfriend who is deployed in Iraq. It was so timely that I made the extra effort to talk to her and encourage her and wish her happy birthday. I felt like God was reminding me to smile and say hello to everyone, to ask everyone how their doing, and to show interest in their lives. We can do great things when we show we CARE.
