Friday, September 16, 2011

Growing up.

For me, growing up has become a bitter-sweet concept. As I child, I would count down the months, weeks, and even days when I would turn a year older. Now, growing up is a way of life that just seems to happen blindly.

Tonight, on our way out for dinner, a neighborhood friend of Ryland called. When Brianna told him that Ryland was not home and asked if she could take a message, the friend replied, "Yes, I was just wanting to see if he could hang out tonight?" What? Did she hear him right? Did Ryland just get asked to hang out? I told her, if I had been on the phone, I would have said, "Well, I am not sure Ryland knows how to hang out, but he can play later."
I guess I am telling this story because tonight, for the first time, I had the realization that my little Ry-Ry is growing up right in front of my eyes. He is not the little boy that goes out and plays anymore, but in actuality, is in his first year of middle school and is becoming so handsome and independent.
To be honest, since college move-in day, I have been such a pessimist about staying at community college for two years instead of joining my friends at University. My reasoning being, seeing my friends and peers enter into a new and fresh chapter in life, while I am stuck in the same old small town. But friends, I am not sure that I view it that way anymore. I've realized that if I had gone to University, I would miss witnessing Ryland get asked to hang out instead of to play. I would miss bonding with Alexander through exercising on the trampoline with him and seeing his "tricks". I would miss my Daddy's hugs and my Mommy's wisdom... not to mention her good cooking. I would miss walking down stairs to the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the oh-so-pleasant sound of a nine year-old and three year-old quarreling.
I would miss watching Landon throw his first touchdown as the starting quarterback for varsity football. I would miss McKenzie's discovery of make-up. I would miss Anderson's voice and speech changing from baby to "big boy". I would miss bringing Chick-fil-a to Nicholas and watching him as an intimidated freshmen walk the halls of Jamestown High School. I would miss my Dad's wake-up calls and my Mom's late night chats. I would miss morning devotions with the Morrow home schoolers. I would miss being a part of a great church, with a huge vision, and the best pastor. I would miss visiting Destiny at CNU and seeing her in her element as an RA. And, I would miss sharing a room Brianna, the ideal roomate . Though sometimes I wish I could be away at college, living my dreams. I am living a dream, right here in Williamsburg. I love you, Morrow family. You are all growing up so fast, and I am not going to miss it.


  1. And that's exactly why I stayed at TNCC. <3

    Only... please tell me that Kenz isn't really wearing makeup!! That just isn't right!!

  2. Taylor, I write truth. She definitely looks like a preteen. It is crazy! I miss you everyday, Tay!!!

  3. Whitney....I love this blog. It's definitely even better having you read it aloud. ;)

    I love you and your intuition to cherish and write down the memories and moments of our family.

  4. Whitney, you have such a great writing style! and you really do have such a wonderful family :) I love you!

  5. Thank you girls, I love all of you. And Hope, that is SUCH a compliment, I have grown up with all these English majors in my family and have never been secure in my writing but thank you so much :)). Last night was a blast, I loved chatting with you and getting caught up on each other's years ;))
