Sunday, October 2, 2011

Crosswalk's 10th Anniversary.

Today, October 2nd is Crosswalk's 10th Anniversary. It was incredible.

To make this day unforgettable, we had service in a 1200-seater tent, outdoors with a great sound system, moon bounces, and Greg Ashley's barbecue for lunch. It was cold, but cozy. We were surrounded by the so many loving people, a family. There were some old people there: Tracy Evans, the Chongs, the Brittans, the Daytons, and some new folks there. We had a choir that was compiled of all of our rotation singers, I got to stand by my mom and it made me happy. We sang seven songs today, a Crosswalk record, people. It was powerful and special.

I cannot express the love that I have in my heart for this church. It isn't just a church for me, but it is home, where I belong. Though Crosswalk's journey hasnt always been peaches and sunshine, 't the last ten years, I have received more love and happiness than I would hope to find anywhere. I am so proud of my parents in celebrating the harvest of their hard planting. Crosswalk is full of miraculous stories of God's provision and power to change lives and it has been amazing to sit back and watch.

Not only was today so special because of it being the Anniversary, but Katelyn, Justin, and Kara came back from college for a short visit. Katelyn has been going to Crosswalk for almost ten years, since we were meeting in the elementary school. Most of my Crosswalk memories have been made with her. We have been best friends since we were eleven, sitting together at church, singing together, praying together, leading small groups together, and participating in youth events together. I loved that she was there today, getting to share yet another historic Crosswalk day together. Kara is a great friend from high school who I invited to Nexus the summer of my senior year. After Kara came and experienced the Spirit-empowered worship and message, she in turn invited more of our friends. Before we knew it, Nexus was filled with girls from Jamestown High School. That summer, we cried out to God for our school, grew in the Lord, and witnessed Him transform hearts. Some of the girls got saved and recommitted their life to the Lord, others went making their Christianity a religion, to a lifestyle and dynamic relationship. I have a special place in my heart for every single one of those girls who came to Nexus. It was so great to see Kara. I was especially surprised to see Justin. He goes to VMI and there, you cannot just pick-up and leave, so it was special that he was able to be there for a special day. He is such an awesome guy and great friend, so it was great to see him and hear about his VMI experiences.

So, that was my Sunday, folks. Being with some of my best friends, family, and church family are the ingredients for the perfect day.

How was your Sunday? If you were at the service, what made it so special to you?


  1. I so wish I could have been there! :(

  2. Me too, Tay! Me too! You could have done the power point like the old days!!! Though, it was held in a tent. So, we didn't have a powerpoint. You could have sang with US!
