Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life's what you make it.

I have often struggled with what I am to do in life.

Do I want to be a math teacher? Nope, too much grading; I wouldn't have a life. And do I really want to be with kids all day?

Do I want to be a doctor? Nope, too much school... not worth it. And, I hate science.

Do I want to go into acting? Nope, too unrealistic and it’s not the job for me.

(those were just a few of my considerations…)

To be truthful, I have always wanted to do ministry, always. When all of the other kids said that they wanted to be a Fireman, President, or Astronaut, I inevitably said, “I want to be a Pastor.” It was something that I knew I was born for. When I got older, I realized that the best thing I had going for me was my brain… I didn’t have that musical talent that seemingly every one of my sisters got, I wasn't the right fit to do the extraordinary. Nonetheless, I couldn’t get away from this call.

Over the past year, God has been teaching me to fully trust in Him and to walk by faith, believing even when you cannot see. And, I just recently came to the conclusion that it’s not what I do that will matter, but who I am. My happiness and fulfillment will not come from a job description or amount of money I make. No, my happiness and fulfillment will come from the Lord. Humbly and faithfully serving and taking part in His many blessings. It will also come from being in love with my husband and raising children in the way they should go. It will come from being a respectful wife, a loving mother, a caring sister and daughter, a compassionate Christian, and a good friend. If I can attain those characteristics in my short life span, that’s what matters.

Yes, I have a burning passion to make a difference in my community, country, and beyond and I will try with everything I have in me to do so. I know that I have a call to witness and spread the Gospel in someway, somehow. There is nothing that touches me more than seeing lives touched by Jesus. I want to live a life full of zeal and adoration of the King. But, He has taught me that my accomplishments will not define me, it is the woman I become and who I am in Him that will.

So folks, I don't know exactly what I want to do in this life. But, I know that I will find restoration in Him. I will love wholeheartedly. I will respect, serve, and give. And maybe, just maybe I'll find my purpose.

Thanks for reading, friends!

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