Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Why I Chose CLA

Six years ago, I would have never have thought of myself as a virtual, off-campus Bible College Student. In fact, I would have denounced the idea six months ago. To be honest, up until recently, I had full intentions of packing up my life and leaving my quaint town, in pursuit of my passions. I had long standing dreams of going to an out-of-state Bible College, rooming with a best friend, falling madly in love, and finding my purpose in vocational ministry. I wanted a campus experience – a Bible centered campus experience. I wanted to learn from professors. I wanted to feel significant; to feel equipped to make my mark on this world. But after a lot of prayer and consideration, I came to the conclusion that all of those dreams needed to wait until I got my associates degree at a community college.
 My Dad and other advisors in my life suggested that I take two years at home in order finish my general education classes, get involved with church experiencing hands-on ministry, while saving funds before transferring to a four-year university. Furthermore, I did not know what I wanted to do specifically in ministry. I knew I had a God-given calling and perhaps this time at home would be a good time to discover it. Consequently, despite my desires to go to school with my friends after graduation, I felt a strong peace about staying in town at home. At first it was difficult adjusting to life at home without my peers, but being one of ten children and a pastor’s daughter of a growing contemporary church, I did not feel that I was missing out on a college experience too much. Though I still had aspirations to go to a Bible campus, life at home was better than I expected it would be, a lot better.
While at home, I had the opportunity of attending a conference for college students. It was there that I expressed to God how I wanted to do incredible things for him, things that would matter. I wanted to sincerely make a difference in this dark and broken world. After fervently praying about my future in ministry, I distinctly felt the Spirit of God communicate to me a message that would determine my decision to go to an on-campus Bible College, or continue to service in my church. Ordinary people go to college, it is the “thing to do” but extraordinary people do extraordinary things, even if it seems intimidating. Extraordinary people build ministries. Shortly after I had that experience, I was asked to be the Children’s Director for one of my church’s off-site campuses.  Through working with children for the past months, I have discovered a huge passion of mine that I did not even know was there – children. I did not realize at the time, but God was bringing my purpose to me. I did not necessarily have to go find it. I did not have to go away to University to be used by God; I just had to be willing to offer myself up as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him. 
Around the same time when I was beginning to build God’s children’s ministry, Crosswalk Leadership Academy was on the horizon. Everything was aligning into perfect place. I would have the opportunity to take Bible College and become equipped to do the work of God, while maintaining my service to the kids, loving them and training them to be ambassadors for God. In doing CLA, I would also receive credit for my hands-on ministry. Financially, it is a good option because I do not have to pay room and board, and I room with my sister – my best friend. Practically, CLA is a good option for me because I am learning the ways of ministry daily as I prepare for children’s lessons, learn the value of commitment, and serve in a local church. Spiritually, I feel a part of something big that God is doing. I feel that I am doing something extraordinary. Though I am still not sure what I want to do in full-time ministry, I am continuing to uncover new passions here and CLA provides an atmosphere to do just that. Unlike most onsite campus students, I see various aspects of ministry that can only be learned, not taught. I am able to lead children, lead in my family, and lead myself by applying discipline and commitment to the ministry I have shared in. That is the reason that I think CLA is the best option for me.


  1. Whitney, I am so SO proud of you. Even though I miss you and wish you could be in Texas, I am impressed that you've made this decision. God has huge plans for you. I've known that for such a long time. I can't wait to see how He uses you! You ARE extraordinary.

  2. Thank you, Tay! I just now read this but it was definitely something I needed to read today. You are just an inspiration to me and it is so pleasing that you are on board with my decision :). After just one week of doing CLA, I have learned so much about myself and my God and I know it will be an exciting year!
